

The Discussion of Communist Party of Impeachment Case: Focus on Xiechi

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【作者】 苏舟

【机构】 四川大学历史文化学院

【摘要】 谢持对容共政策的态度始终受到国共合作进程中主客观因素的制约,对中共党员加入后的及时观察引发了其对中共党团活动的担忧。为寻求预制,他联名张继、邓泽如以中央监察委员会名义向中央执行委员会提出"弹劾共产党案"。但弹劾案旨在寻求通过纪律解决国共纠纷,并不反对容共政策。鲍罗庭强硬地为党团活动辩护,拒不答应取消党团,不但宣告纪律解决的破产,而且促使谢持最终走向终止容共政策。

【Abstract】 Xiechi’s attitude to the policy of accommodating the Communist was always constrained by subjective and objective factors in the process of KMT-CP cooperation,and timely observations on the Communists led to his concerns about the activities of the Communist caucus.In order to prefabricate,he and Zhangji,Deng Zeru,acting on behalf of the Central Supervisory committee,proposed "the Communist Party of impeachment case" to the Central Executive Committee.But the purpose of impeachment was only to resolve disputes betweenn KMT and CPC by discipline,not against the policy of accommodating the communists.Bao Luoting defense toughly for party activities,refused to agree to cancel caucus.This not only declared that to solve by discipline had bankrupted,but also promoted Xiechi eventually to terminate the policy of accommodating the Communist.

  • 【文献出处】 历史教学(下半月刊) ,History Teaching , 编辑部邮箱 ,2012年06期
  • 【分类号】K262
  • 【下载频次】87